
Just take your time and a check out onwww.discogs.com/artist/tigerskin ,the world biggest online database for electronic music.T he Discography of Alex Krüger aka TIGERSKIN aka DUBTAYLOR aka KORSAKOW is maybe one of the biggest you can find around. It says it all !Known as the producer of heavyweights like PHONIQUE and lot of other wellknown Artist around he also took sometime to do dozens and dozens of own releases and remixes over the last 20 years.While nowadays as TIGERSKIN he’s found on the housier side of the spectrum DUB TAYLOR is his alias well known for the more dubbier Basic Channel influenced side ofTechno.He releases on labels like Dessous, Suol, Mood Music, DirtCrew Rec or his own Organic Domain Imprint. Some of his tracks where licensed to the Mix CD´s like Steve Bugs Bugnology, Slams Sci Fi Hi Fi 5 or Ministry´s of Sound“Clubbers Guide to Berlin”. Regular Brazil, US/CAN andRussia Tours are a few Highlights besides playing all around Europe.He releases on labels like Dessous, Suol, Mood Music, DirtCrew Rec, Rotary Cocktail or his own Organic DomainImprint. Some of his tracks where licensed to the Mix CD´s like Steve Bugs Bugnology, Slams Sci Fi Hi Fi 5 or Ministry´sof Sound “Clubbers Guide to Berlin”. He did many remixes Depeche Mode have been one of them. Regular Brazil,US/CAN and Russia Tours are a few Highlights besides playing all around Europe.T he best thing about Alexander Krueger is that he is thisdown to earth guy you can have a beer and chat about world politics with and just feel comfortable…like his music